Roden 1:48 Rhys Davids SE5a by Douglas Craner

Artist Douglas Craner is back with this fantastic build of another Se5a! These older fighter planes have always intrigued me with excitement and adventure. This build certainly has been done proper justice by Douglas in it’s realism! Beautiful!

This is what Douglas has to say…

At last, Rhys David’s , Vickers built, Roden 1/48 (long exhausts, different shaped cockpit) is complete! I hope you like it.    I did a little research in Cornwall, and noticed a great many of 56 Sqd aircraft had linen tips to the prop’s, so I incorporated it into this model.  Rhys David’s is in his dark flying overalls, with lined leather helmet, cranking his head to look down the long nose of his mount.
I also opened up the lower grill to see the engine (scrap built) other extras include plumbing, spark plug leads, bracing for the exhaust’s, bungee for the wheels, piano hinge, cross and ring sight, and scratch built aldis , steel filler cap, primer cups, and spokes viewed through the inflation appature.( cellon windows, to view the pulleys in the wings etc)
Also hand painted “I” on wings and fuselage, figure scratch built from wire and Milliput.

All the best








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