1:20 Fantasy Forest by Daniel French, Silas & Lea Puls

I was recently on the phone with famed artist Richard Long when he mentioned that I may wish to contact an artist that had just shown his work on the Replica Prop Forum (RPF). He told me the piece was a fantastic miniature scene. The funny thing was that I had received an email from that artist just hours before our conversation. That artist is Daniel French… and along with two other amazing artists, Silas & Lea Puls, this fantastic group of artists from Denmark have very much impressed many with what you are about to see here. Make certain to view the videos! I absolutely love what they have accomplished and believe their Industry futures to be bright! This VFX and Model Making Team is BRILLIANT! And their work is beautifully done! I look forward to what they come up with next! I am quite honored to be able to show their fantastic creations here on Modeler’s Miniature’s & Magic.
This is what artist Danial French has to say of this creation…

We recently created a fantasy forest 1:20 scale miniature test and made a time-lapse video of it. I have also composited the shot together with a matte painting. It was made in only three days and is a freelance task we created to show the Producers of a new family adventure 3D movie. Miniature work is very uncommon in Denmark, so very few have any experience with it. But we hope to change that!

Best Regards,

Daniel French


To contact artist Daniel French, please click HERE.





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